reptile7's JavaScript blog
Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Script Tips #92-93 Script, Part 4
Blog Entry #112

Showing and hiding the pop-up tables

So, just how does the Script Tips #92-93 Script pop up its pop-up tables, anyway?

We begin by noting that each pop-up table is given a Titles element identifier - id="General Programming" (Titles[0]) for the first table, id="Testing" (Titles[1]) for the second table, id="Windows" (Titles[2]) for the third table, and so on:

for (var j = 0; j < Titles.length; ++j) {
name = Titles[j];
document.write("<div style=\"position:absolute; top:5px; width:350px;\">" +
"<table id=\"" + name + "\" cellpadding='1' cellspacing='4' border='2' " +
"bgcolor=" + bgColor + " style=\"display:none; position:absolute; left:200px;\">"); // etc.
/* Is it necessary to variabilize Titles[j] as name? Not at all. */

The script's eShow( ) and eHide( ) functions, true to their names, respectively pop up and vanish each pop-up table:

function eShow(name) { document.all(name).style.display = "inline"; }
function eHide(name) { document.all(name).style.display = "none"; }

The eShow( ) and eHide( ) functions are respectively called by onmouseover and onmouseout commands carried by the anchor element parents of the font elements that hold the blue text of the right-hand cells of the initial display table (go here to see the initial display table):

document.write("</td><td><a onmouseover=\"eShow(&quot;" + Titles[i] + "&quot;)\" ");
document.write("onmouseout=\"eHide(&quot;" + Titles[i] + "&quot;)\">");
document.write("<font color=\"#0000ff\" size=\"3\" face=\"Arial\">"); // etc.

We noted in the previous entry that the pop-up tables are respectively housed in separate parent div elements, to which we gave a class='div2' identifier. In his "Post the Tables" article, Joe incorrectly states three times that the eShow( )/eHide( ) functions act on a table's div element container. Actually, as shown by the above code,
(a) the div2 divs aren't 'hidden' in the first place, and
(b) the onmouseover/onmouseout commands send an id value (Titles[i]) for a table to eShow(name)/eHide(name), which then act directly on the table (document.all(name)) itself.

Contra the "Post the Tables" discussion of the pop-up process, it is not true that [t]he table is created each time the mouse passes over, not before; all ten pop-up tables are created before the user mouseovers any text (and before the script document has loaded, for that matter).

Moreover, Joe insinuates that the pop-up tables pop up when the user mouseovers the Titles headers in the left-hand cells of the initial display table when he says, Depending on which word is passed over, that value is passed to the [eShow( )/eHide functions] - also not true. But now that I think about it, I like the idea of shifting the onmouseover/onmouseout commands to the left-hand cells in some way, say, to a span element wrapper for the Titles headers.

The CSS display property of the pop-up tables is initially set to none; eShow( ) switches the table display value to inline whereas eHide( ) toggles it back to none. For showing the pop-up tables, a block display value would seem to be a more natural choice for the following reasons:
(1) The pop-up tables are absolutely positioned; according to Section 9.4.1 of the CSS 2.1 Specification, absolutely positioned elements...establish new block formatting contexts.
(2) In the absence of positioning, tables are typically rendered as block-level elements anyway.
(3) Perhaps most fundamentally, there's no point in having the pop-up tables "participate" in an "inline formatting context" because there's no other content in the div2 divs for flowing next to them.
In practice, I find that both inline and block are suitable values for the eShow( ) document.all(name).style.display assignment.

Regarding eShow( ) and eHide( ), Joe states that these functions set the [table] to either visible or hidden. When the mouse passes over, [it's] visible. My 'radar went off' when I read this; visible and hidden are values for the CSS visibility property*, not for the display property. But I subsequently thought, "Given that the pop-up tables are taken out of the 'normal flow' via their absolute positioning, does it really matter whether they take up space or not in their 'invisible' state? [A visibility: hidden element and a display: none element are both invisible; however, a visibility: hidden element occupies its normal (visible) area, like an empty placeholder, on the page, whereas a display: none element doesn't occupy any space on the page.] Could we use the visibility property here if we wanted to?" In the event, I find that the tables' initial display: none declaration, the eShow( ) display = "inline" assignment, and the eHide( ) display = "none" assignment can be smoothly replaced by visibility: hidden, visibility = "visible", and visibility = "hidden", respectively.

(*FYI: visible and hidden are also values for the CSS overflow property. We'll discuss the pop-up tables' overflow of their div2 containing blocks in the next post.)

Finally, the quote formatting of the onmouseover/onmouseout commands deserves some comment. The onmouseover/onmouseout commands appear in document.write( ) parameters that are delimited with double quotes; consequently, the script's author has delimited the eShow( )/eHide( ) function calls with \" escaped double quotes - I myself would have used single quotes for this purpose, but to each his own. The eShow( )/eHide( ) arguments, Titles[i], are also quoted, specifically, they are surrounded (indirectly) by &quot; character entity references that also represent double quotes.

You wouldn't think (or at least I wouldn't think) that it'd be necessary to quote the Titles[i] arguments; the Titles elements should be perceived as strings by the browser. Indeed, if a

window.alert(typeof Titles[i]);

command is inserted after the document.write( ) commands carrying the anchor element start-tag(s), then ten alert( ) boxes all displaying string dutifully pop up. However, my attempts to pop up the pop-up tables after subtracting the &quot; references were unsuccessful; in this regard, here's what happens when I mouseover, for example, the MS-DOS, NDOS, DCL, JCL, UNIX text in the right-hand cell of the last row of the initial display table:

(A) MSIE 5.1.6 does not send Titles[9], Command, to eShow( ) but inexplicably sends instead a reference to the pop-up table whose id value is Command:

function eShow(name) {
window.alert(name); // Displays [object TABLE]
window.alert(; // Displays Command
document.all(name).style.display = "inline"; /* Throws a 'document.all(...).style' is not an object runtime error */ }

(B) Netscape 7.02 simply throws a Command is not defined error, i.e., Netscape evaluates the Titles[9] expression but still perceives the return, Command, as a variable lacking a value.

In sum, the &quot; references do need to be there (other quote formattings for the eShow( )/eHide( ) function calls are possible, but we're not going to get into them here). Alternatively, I find that both MSIE and Netscape will uneventfully pass an unquoted Titles index

document.write("</td><td><a onmouseover='eShow(" + i + ")' ");
document.write("onmouseout='eHide(" + i + ")'>");

to eShow( ) and eHide( ), which can then be reformulated as:

function eShow(myIndex) {
myTable = document.getElementById(Titles[myIndex]); = "block"; }
function eHide(myIndex) {
myTable = document.getElementById(Titles[myIndex]); = "none"; }

Netscape execution

We'll take up this topic and also roll out a cross-browser demo in the following entry.


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