reptile7's JavaScript blog
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Primer #1
Blog Entry #2

Hmmm...with my current system, I am evidently not going to be able to make use of Blogger's vaunted WYSIWYG post editor for writing my blog entries. According to the Blogger Browser Matrix, Blogger's Compose mode is supported by Netscape 7.2 for the Mac, which requires a more advanced operating system, a faster processor, and more physical RAM than my computer currently has. I do have Netscape 7.02 on my machine, but my attempts to bring 'focus' to the Compose textarea field using Netscape 7.02 are would thus appear, friends and neighbors, that I will have to hand-code my own blog-entry HTML. Horrors! But this is probably all for the better; otherwise, my HTML knowledge, such as it is, will get rusty. As an aside, in HTMLGoodies' introductory HTML primer, Joe Burns notes that he himself codes using the NotePad text editor, and not an HTML editor, most of the time.

We move on to our topic du jour, HTMLGoodies’ JavaScript Primers #1. Let's start by 'surveying the landscape' a bit. JavaScript is a computer language that, like human languages (English, French, etc.), has a syntax and various parts of speech. The three fundamental parts of speech of JavaScript are:
1) objects, which are analogous to nouns;
2) methods, which are analogous to verbs; and
3) properties, which are analogous to adjectives.

Speaking of JavaScript objects, Joe notes in this first primer that JavaScript coding is an example of object-oriented programming (OOP). A full discussion of OOP is definitely beyond the scope of this blog; I refer you to either Wikipedia's involved entry therefor or a somewhat more readable definition at (Also, there used to be a technical Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, FWIW.) For our purposes, suffice it to say that in JavaScript we'll be using and manipulating "objects" on a regular basis.

Getting back to the primer, Joe introduces a first object, the "document" object, and a first method, the "write" method. The syntax for combining an object and method to form a JavaScript 'sentence', or command statement, is:

object.method( )

giving us in this case:

document.write("write this to my page")

in which the quoted code "write this to my page" - which can be text, HTML, or a combination thereof (as in the primer example) - in the write( ) parentheses is written to a Web page. Pretty simple.

In my first blog entry, I noted that there are some similarities between JavaScript and elementary algebra. In the example above, think of the "write this to my page" parameter of the write( ) method as an 'independent variable' that is acted on by the document.write( ) 'function', giving a 'dependent variable' in the form of the visual display of "write this to my page" on a Web page. At least that's how I look at it.

At the end of the primer, Joe provides definitions of the document object and the write( ) method on a "Click Here For What You've Learned" page. I'm not quite happy with his "document" definition, which reads, "This is an object name that refers specifically to the HTML document that contains the Javascript." More precisely, IMHO, "document" refers to the display, by a Web browser, of the document containing the JavaScript. Think about it: a document.write( ) statement in a JavaScript script in a "whatever.html" file on your computer or server doesn't post text/HTML to the whatever.html file, or to the code it contains - it posts to the display of whatever.html. This will make more sense when we get to some of the properties of the document object.

Speaking of properties, I'm a bit disappointed that there's no mention at all of JavaScript properties in this first primer. Just for illustrative purposes, Joe could have sneaked in a cameo by the bgColor property of the document object (analogous to the bgcolor attribute of the <body> tag in HTML), or he could have mentioned that the document object is itself a property of the "top-level" window object (not all JavaScript objects are created equal, as we'll see), but no matter - both the bgColor property and the window object are introduced in the 4th HTMLGoodies JavaScript primer.

Quick comments on other issues that crop up in the primer

The <script> tag

Joe informs us that "All JavaScripts start with [the] exact command":


Actually, with the advent of HTML 4.0, the language attribute of the <script> tag has been deprecated; the new standard is to use the type attribute, with a value of "text/javascript", instead, i.e.:

<script type="text/javascript">

(However, I confess that I myself find <script language="javascript"> easier to remember and will continue to use it until forced to change.)

Shape of the script, margins, and whitespace

According to Joe, "The major difference between [HTML and JavaScript] is that HTML is very forgiving in terms of its shape...the opposite is true in JavaScript." He warns against the careless use of whitespace and stresses that "you can not allow margins to get in the way". Well, yes and no.

I certainly agree that it is best to write JavaScript with a text editor (NotePad or, in my case, Apple's SimpleText) as opposed to some other type of file format (e.g., a word processor such as Microsoft Word) that has formatting/margin information operating behind the scenes.

As far as whitespace goes, I have found that simply adding extra spaces with the space bar, even lots of extra spaces, has no effect on the execution of a JavaScript script. (But then, I always write using SimpleText; this could be different with a word processor.) Line-breaks, generated by the return/enter key, are trickier; they're OK in some places but not in others, and it's not always intuitively obvious where you can put them without generating an error. Consider the primer example:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
("<FONT COLOR='RED'>This Is Red Text</FONT>")

Each line above is terminated by a line-break. Now, I can see line-breaks after LANGUAGE="javascript">, Text</FONT>"), and </SCRIPT>, but after write? I would've predicted truncation here to be problematic.

However, I did generate errors when I inserted line-breaks after various space characters in the script. For example, upon breaking the ("<FONT COLOR='RED'>This Is Red Text</FONT>") line in two by hitting Return just before the word Red:

Red Text</FONT>")

an "Unterminated string constant" "compilation error" popped up. We'll have more to say about errors in HTMLGoodies’ JavaScript Primers #2. Anyway, be careful with line-breaks.

One last point relating to this topic: a JavaScript script, like an HTML document, can definitely be written, if somewhat awkwardly, as one long, continuous line if its syntax is correct (notwithstanding Joe's implication that it can't).

"Is JavaScript Case Sensitive? Yes."

We'll see that JavaScript is generally, but not 100%, case-sensitive.

Quote formatting

In the primer example, the entire parameter of the write( ) method is enclosed in double quotes, whereas the value ('RED') of the color attribute of the inner <font> tag is enclosed in single quotes. Joe summarizes, "Remember: Inside of double quotes... use single quotes." But it could actually also be the other way around, i.e., double quotes inside of single quotes:

document.write('<FONT COLOR="RED">This Is Red Text</FONT>')

Either quote format works just fine - try it yourself. (And although it's a bit sloppy, the script will also work without any quotes at all around the "RED" value, not that I'm encouraging HTML sloppiness on anyone's part, of course.) Joe correctly notes that using double quotes inside of double quotes will cause the script to "think it has met the end of the line and...that will throw an error" (as will using single quotes inside of single quotes).

The end-of-primer assignment and its answer

Joe asks the reader to write "two lines of text, one red and one blue. But you must do this by writing more Javascript commands, not by simply adding more HTML to the instance [write( ) parameter]." I briefly note that the script in question can indeed be written with a single document.write( ) command statement and, as noted above, as one long line:

<script language="javascript">document.write("<font color='red'>This is red text</font><br><font color='blue'>This is blue text</font>")</script>

(Per our earlier discussion, there is in fact no line-break in the above code.)

That'll do it for our discussion of Primer #1. We'll tuck into the wonderful world of JavaScript error messages in Primer #2 next time.


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