reptile7's JavaScript blog
Friday, February 16, 2018
A JavaScript 1.2 Calendar and Clock, Part 7
Blog Entry #389

In today's post, we will create a calendar for February 2018 with the remaining part of the js-calbot2.html* <script>.

*If you're using a current version of Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera, then you should be able to view the js-calbot2.html source here; however, you won't see anything at the js-calbot2.html page itself (other than its black background) as the calendar makes use of data generated in the js-caltop1.html document.

We coded and rendered a calendar caption and row of Sunday to Saturday day headers in the previous post: these features will sit atop a date section comprising a 4-to-6-row grid of cells à la a regular calendar. Two key pieces of information enable us to build the date section:
(1) the number of days in the calendar month, which is stored in an a variable;
(2) the getDay( ) index for the first day of the calendar month, which is stored in a d variable.
Our a value is 28 as 2018 is not a leap year; our d value is 4 as 1 February 2018 fell on a Thursday.

The pre-months display

The date section begins in the original calendar table's rows[2] row. The code below writes out four empty td cells for the Sunday to Wednesday days in January that precede 1 February 2018. The c variable serves as an index of sorts: it's 1 for the rows[2].cells[0] cell, 2 for the cell after that, etc.

var c = 0;
while (c < d) {
    document.write("<td></td>"); }

• The rows[2] row's <tr> and </tr> tags are both missing in the source: the latter is in fact optional but the former is required.
• I'll show you how to place date numbers (28, 29, 30, 31) in these cells later.


After c reaches d (4) and the td for 31 January is written out, the script moves to a b variable to direct the formation of the February part of the date section.

var b = 0;
b = b + c;

Also a cell index of sorts, b picks up where c leaves off and steps us from 1 February 2018 (b = 5) to 28 February 2018 (b = 32).

var t = new Date( );
var week = t.getDay( ) + 1; /* No subsequent use is made of week. */
var day = t.getDate( );
var e = a + c; /* e marks the end of the months month. */
while (b < e) {
    if (b == 8 || b == 15 || b == 22 || b == 29 || b == 36) { document.write("<tr>"); }
    if ((b - c) == day) { color = "red"; }
    else { color = "white"; }
    document.write("<td><center><font color='" + color + "' face='Arial'><b>" + (b - c) + "</b></font></center></td>"); }
</script> /* That's it for the js-calbot2.html script. */

• The Saturday bs are multiples of 7; when b++ takes b one above those values, the current row is ended and a new row is started.
• The b - c difference gives the date number for each cell.
• The date numbers are horizontally centered (td content aligns left by default), colored - today's date number, day, is red, all other date numbers are white - Arialized, and bolded.

The post-months display

When the while (b < e) { ... } loop has run its course, control passes to a document.write("</tr></table>"); command that closes the current row and the calendar table itself. The last day of February 2018 is a Wednesday, and no cells are written out for the last row's Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - there's just blank space there. Nonetheless, it is simple enough to code date cells for the first three days of March:

.postmonths { color: #449977; font: bold medium Arial; text-align: center; }

while (b % 7) {
    document.write("<td class='postmonths'>" + (b - e) + "<\/td>"); }

• This loop effectively continues the previous one, moving b beyond e to the next multiple of 7, 35 in this case.
The caption's teal-ish #449977 color seems right for the March date numbers, don't you think?

Then came the last days of January

Now, what about the date numbers for the pre-months cells? To get those numbers, we'll need to know how many days the previous month had. Toward this end, we could go through the monthsa if...else if...else cascade all over again, but working with a corresponding monthdaysArray would be a much more efficient way to go:

var monthNumber = t.getMonth( );
var monthdaysArray = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
if ((! (yr % 4) && (yr % 100)) || ! (yr % 400)) monthdaysArray[1] = 29;
var days_in_previous_month = monthNumber ? monthdaysArray[monthNumber - 1] : 31;

With the days_in_previous_month number in hand, we can write( ) the cells + date numbers for the last four days of January with:

.premonths { color: #449977; font: bold medium Arial; text-align: center; }

while (c < d) {
    document.write("<td class='premonths'>" + (days_in_previous_month - d + c) + "<\/td>"); }


It's time to put it all together via a demo, wouldn't you say?
(This post was written in February 2018; the calendar will update to whatever month it happens to be.)

• The demo is framed by an id="calendarDiv" div.
• Per the original design, the demo content and the styles applied to that content are written JavaScriptically without the aid of any non-script HTML/CSS.
• The document.write( ) operations have been replaced by corresponding document.createElement( )/Node.appendChild( ) operations. Excepting the table border setting, all styles are set via the = "value" mechanism.

var calendarTable = document.createElement("table"); = "calendarTableId";
calendarTable.border = "1"; = "auto"; = "auto";

We're not quite done with the Multiple Java Calendar: we have yet to discuss the calendar's month and year controls in the center cell of the js-caltop1.html layout table, and we'll do that in the next post.

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